How I Get Rid Of My Clutter
1. Trash/ Recycle
2. Friends and Family
3. Donate to Charity
4. Sell ( I do this once in a blue moon)
Other Videos In This Declutter Series
living room and dining room:
toddler bedroom:
master bedroom:
My Vlog YouTube Channel
Favorite Products
🛍Willow Pump
🛍Homitt Electric Spin Scrubber Cordless Shower Scrubber
🛍Thirsties Cloth Diapers
Music Used In This Video From
❤️❤️Social Media❤️❤️
FB: @wifemotherkristen
IG: @wifemotherkristen
TT: @wifemotherkristen
Email: wifemotherkristen@gmail.com
🔴All links are for products my family and I love to use. Some links in this description are affiliate links. These links do not affect the price of the product. Affiliate links help me continue making videos for you friends.
#bathroomdeclutter #bathroomdeclutterandclean #wifemotherkristen