
Dr. Phil Inspires Obese Man To Lose 400 lbs...

Dr. Phil Inspires Obese Man To Lose 400 lbs... Dr. Phil Inspires Obese Man To Lose 400 lbs...

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Dr. Phillip C. McGraw's show draws on his 25 years of experience in psychology, sociology and observation. Beginning his TV career as the resident expert on human behavior on Oprah Winfrey's daily talk show, Dr. Phil continues to deal with real issues in his blunt style.

What’s good youtube,welcome back to Grim. This man lost 400 pounds and completely changed his life, then he went right back and gained even more weight than he lost. Today he’s looking for help from dr. phil so keep watching to see if he can get the help he needs because things are starting to seem dire for him. Anyways without further ado lets get into it shall we?
Seeing this montage is insane, I didn’t even know what to expect with his face since it’s hard to even imagine what he looks like with his current state but this dude was a handsome guy! Just goes to show that everyone has their vice and his was food and wasn’t able to completely shake that. He got to where he wanted to be then got comfortable again or wasn’t able to battle those demons we talked about earlier and that’s why he came back to the old weight that he was at.
When you hear about his childhood and all the ridicule he faced as a result of being so large it makes sense on why it’s such a huge hurdle for him to get over in his life. I’d imagine whenever he had a tough day at school he’d just come home and eat as a form of comfort, and it kinda turned into this massive loop or cycle of him overeating and being sad and then overeating again as a result. I really do feel bad for this guy.
The average person just does not gain weight like this, yeah there are always overweight people that were big as children and just got worse but he’s like doubling his weight every five years as a kid and that just isn’t normal. That goes to show that not only does he have some serious issues to work through that’s causing him to turn to food like this but also he has an extremely enabling family if they are cool with feeding him like this and allow him to get that large, as a parent when your child is younger you should be on top of their nutrition and trying to get them to form helpful eating habits and his family just either didn’t care or they are just as bad as him and he’s a product of his environment.

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