
How to find what YOU really want (with small shifts you can make today)

How to find what YOU really want (with small shifts you can make today) I like to eat sweet potatoes in the morning. And I really like them cold. They’re OK at dinner, but not my preference.

I like to listen to music when I cook dinner. Even though I love cooking, the music makes my time in the kitchen even more enjoyable. Like the celebration of the day.

I like driving in the car with the radio off when I’m by myself. There’s something about the silence that feels indulgent. I get to decide exactly what I focus on without distraction.

What do you like?

A few years back I was at a conference. I was at a very low point in my life - confused, sad, anxious, and terrified of change.

I have to admit that I wasn’t very focused. But that didn’t matter, because I heard the one thing that I’m convinced I was at the conference to hear. One of the speakers asked a simple question…

What do YOU really want?

Wow! It was like I was hit by a freight train. I realized that I was living my life based on what I thought I was “supposed” to want and what everyone else wanted me to want.

How about you? What do YOU really want?

Now, this question often leads to pondering the big questions of life. Save those “why am I here?” question for another day. Today is about the little things (like cold sweet potatoes for breakfast).

Check out my video this week to learn how to find the little things that you REALLY want and how to add them to your life.

What I’ve found in my personal experience and working with clients, is that the little things open you to the possibilities of bigger realizations and shifts in your life.

There are so many demands on you that making big change feels exhausting and totally overwhelming. Even if you know it’s needed, you keep churning on the same treadmill because you have no idea where or how to start.

When you allow yourself to add the little things that YOU really want to your life, you feel lighter, more powerful, and positive. The best part is that you can start big shifts with little tiny steps that are totally doable and will bring the best of you to all parts of your life!

Find your sweet potatoes!

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