
Magical Human Interactions

Magical Human Interactions I’ve had a lot of magical human interactions recently. If we pay attention, we have them more than we realize. The opportunities we have when we cross paths with other human beings. So often we are focused on where we need to go and where we need to be. I’m talking about someone you barely know or a stranger. We have a choice every time we interact with someone.

We have three choices when we come in contact with others. Make a positive impact, negative impact or indifference. Indifference means we can pretend they don’t exist. Indifference is just as bad as being negative. Not acknowledging them with kindness can make them feel bad. Many people on earth already feel invisible. All of the research out there, from Maslow in the 40’s to today, shows that we as humans are hard-wired for connection.

We can make a connection. We have a desire and need to connect as humans. We can have magical human interactions. Can you take advantage of interaction and make a positive impact on someone’s life? Many people say, including Oprah, what people in this world crave more than anything is acknowledgment. It is powerful. We are all in this together. This life we get to live is a collaborative experience. We are all co-creating this experience together. We are stronger when we bond. We are stronger together!

Be kind. Be warm. Be friendly. Be loving. Do this because it is who you really are. Do it because it feels good. Look for opportunities for positive, magical human interactions in your day! We can all be stronger and more powerful together.


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