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Josie and Georgia were very good sisters, but when they become older everyone loved Georgia, and she became the successful one in the family...What could a sister do then?
From the title, you already know what this video’s about – that’s why you clicked on it, right? And it’s true, my sister IS a model. Me? I’m just a normal-looking girl. Before you start scrolling through Instagram trying to figure out exactly WHO my gorgeous sister is, let me save you some time - I’m changing names and some small details to protect our privacy. Other than that, this story is completely true. In fact, if I wrote an autobiography, I’d probably have the same title as this video. So - now that we’ve gotten all the technical stuff out of the way, let me introduce myself. Hi, my name’s Josie, and welcome to my world. My story began when I was born. Literally. People usually say that as a joke, but really. It did begin when I was born.
You know when people see a newborn baby and try to say that she’s precious, adorable, looks just like her dad, all that stuff, when really she looks like an angry pink monkey? That was me. I’ve seen the photos: all wrinkled with a pointy head that was just a little too big for my body, weird dark hair with a bald spot on top, BRIGHT red from crying, and looking like a skinny little rabbit because I was really premature. Unfortunately, things didn’t get any better as I got older. I was an eczema-ridden, colic-y baby who cried all the time, and my bald spot didn’t grow in until I was almost two. But before that, when I was three months old, my Mom got pregnant again, and 9 months later, she gave birth to a girl. My little sister, Georgia.
Georgia was born exactly on her due date. Once she was towelled off and handed to Mom, it was obvious that she and I already couldn’t be more different. For one thing, she was already chunky, with the kind of adorable baby fat that everyone wants to coo over. She had lighter coloring - blonde peach-fuzz evenly covering her head, and big blue eyes with long eyelashes. Everything made her laugh. Everyone called her a total delight, just perfect from the start. I bet you’re thinking, “Well, Josie, I’m sure that didn’t last. Come on – you’re sisters!” To which I can say: YES. It certainly did.
Georgia and I weren’t close as toddlers, even though we were only a year apart. It’s not like we hated each other, or anything – we were only babies. I was just this angry, sick, squirmy kid, very underweight, and always crying. The doctors told my mom and dad that I had really bad colic, and I’d grow out of it, but it just continued. Finally, when I was 3 years old and able to describe that I had a sore tummy after eating, I went through a ton of tests and was diagnosed with Celiac disease. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a chronic inflammatory disease where you basically have a horrible allergic reaction to gluten, which affect your stomach and causes a lot of pain and weight loss. So there you have it, I wasn’t just an angry, awful child.
Once I started avoiding gluten, things got better, and I had the energy to play. Georgia and I became really close really quickly after that. I’d dress her up in fairy wings and a crown, and parade her around the house in my toy wagon, yelling, “HERE COMES THE PRINCESS!” I went from not having the energy to care about anything, to absolutely adoring my little sister. It was easy – everyone loved Georgia. She was sweet, funny and friendly. Even when she was little she was patient and nice to everyone. Spoiler alert: If you clicked on this story to see me resenting her for being so pretty, you’ll be disappointed. It isn’t her fault she got the good genes!
I know, I know - I can say that now that I’m older. And don’t think there weren’t any rough patches when we were kids. It was REALLY hard right around puberty when Georgia stopped being pretty but sort of awkward and gangly, and started being just plain gorgeous. Like, so pretty that people would stop her in the middle of the street to compliment her all the time. And imagine me, an insecure teen, just standing there, trying to not wish that once, just ONCE, someone would say something nice about me. I could never be mad at Georgia about it, though – when I did get angry, I just felt angry at the universe for not giving me straight teeth, cute freckles and a jawline that could cut glass. I’m definitely not UGLY (not that it matters!), I’m just normal looking, especially in comparison to my sister.
High school was wild, I’ll tell you that right now. She was a year behind me, but even kids in my grade talked about Georgia.