
Smart Buildings: How Can You Differentiate by Design to Win More Business? | Schneider Electric

Smart Buildings: How Can You Differentiate by Design to Win More Business? | Schneider Electric Looking at today’s cities worldwide, we can see that buildings are under many constraints: energy and resources, urbanization. The trends have a direct impact on building design. ►Learn More:

Over the next 30 years, 2.5 billion people will be moving to cities. Making better buildings will become more and more critical. They need to be more efficient in their footprint and energy use, more people centric and reliable, as well as safer. What’s more, we must enable traditional buildings to deliver on these criteria, too.

Design is the genesis; its construction and maintenance efficiency will depend on the creation of this strong backbone that integrates digital intelligence to adapt to the unexpected. Discover how to differentiate by design to win more business with smarter, more sustainable buildings.

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Exchange,Schneider Electric,Schneider Electric Exchange,Innovation Talk,Let’s Exchange,building design,sustainable buildings,smart buildings,

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