
this is why I need a beefy computer ( bonus video )

this is why I need a beefy computer ( bonus video ) hi all ( by the way I am word blind/dyslexic )
this is why I need a beefy computer
the amount of power I require just to render these videos
keep a close eye on the read and write of the SSD
also note these are raw files as in they are not compressed
you can also see the memory spike up and down a little
also note no effects were added

this project only lasts a little bit more than one minute
and I was never able to actually play this raw footage
simply because the hard drive could not keep up even in a raid 0
also note this is at 1080p if I increase the resolution the demand will be higher

this is one of the reasons why I need a beefy computer
but I am ready for future projects
now just need to save up the money to buy the equipment that I will need for the future Project

I am really exciting and I cannot wait to share this with you all
it will involve a VR ( virtual reality ) equipment
it is quite expensive for the equipment that I would require to do this for future Project and I would also require a brand new camera
and I would also need to acquire some proper editing software
which I would need to learn how to use
I have a lot of plans for the future and I hope I will be able to pull it off

I am currently looking at a price tag of €20,000 for everything that I would require
!! note !! the price is just a rough estimate and probably go for cheaper
depending if there are alternatives but this is a rough estimate
for a full body tracking suit including the gate to hang it up

here are a couple of examples
keep in mind these are examples
and should be treated as such
it's just to give you a general idea what I'm looking at
and also to give you an idea what I'm imagining to use it for
if I would have purchased this for example I would be able to give the character more feedback because my body will react accordingly and due to full body tracking system I can make her more humanly like with better tracking and less glitching
and react more natural the camera will be used for 4K or higher footage to record real-world environments if all possible digitise them as well see image below for example

but these are still all IDs and will probably never happen
but I am going to do my best to see how close I can actually get
if all goes well you may see a movie at some point but it will take some time so please be patient and I will do my best to get as close as possible

here are the examples

VR harness example

here is the Vest example

bHaptics TACTOT Vest

things that I need as for that I'm aware of for this project

- green screen set up
- professional lighting
- cameras
- camera accessories
- VR Gear
- VR trackers
- VR harness system
- VR tracking hand gloves
- VR wireless
- VR headset
- custom software ( render software / VR software / etc )
- character REdesign ( I will need to hire someone )
- character accessories
- custom three-dimensional virtual world
- a dedicated editor

this is roughly what I think I would need
this is why I think it will cost me €20,000 to pull it off
if I want to do it professionally

so I am currently looking for a alternative
but this is a long big project so don't expect anything soon

you should consider this as a dream
now I'm going to try to make it a reality
wish me luck and have a good day

MMD project to the next level

MMD mg P ???? Gen ????



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