
Visualization to Clear the Blocks

Visualization to Clear the Blocks When life is working, a common way to express how this feels is being ‘in the flow’. Right now is the perfect time to find where the clogs and blockages are in your life. The water element is one of the best teachers, and is the only element that can reach anywhere. In many faiths, especially Taoism, water is revered as sacred for its power and wisdom, for over time its persistence carves stone.

Where are the blockages you need to clear from your life?
What needs to be purged that has been causing these clogs?

Unexpressed emotions keep us from ever experiencing life with the unrestricted freedom of water. When our emotions are stifled, we stifle our superpowers and never awaken to our true purpose. What parts of you are stuck in the energetic clogs of trapped emotion? Use the Piscean energy of this new moon to liquid plumber all of these blockages and liberate your soul! The time is NOW to awaken within you a deeper sense of spirituality, compassion, and alignment with your Divine purpose and influence.

Use practicality to develop a plan, get organized and establish new protocols to lay the foundation for what is next for you. When boundaries are established and everything is in its place, there is an unparalleled freedom possible for your soul. When you honor your left-brain vision by integrating your right-brain, logical mind, this vision can be realized in this physical realm. If you meet a roadblock with the planning, take time to meditate, pray, and listen to your intuitive knowing; this will lead you to the answers you seek.
Creative expression will be unlimited at this time so allow yourself to go beyond your comfort zone and explore new ways to create. If you notice a negative, hidden, shadowy, delusional pattern, now is the time to see the full aspect of this pattern and you will clearly see how to course correct. Where is your mind, soul, spirit imprisoned? Is it time to set yourself free? Have you paid your debt so you can emerge as a free spirit?


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