
All Workouts Published So Far - From 5 Seconds to 2 Minutes

All Workouts Published So Far - From 5 Seconds to 2 Minutes Personal Trainers: MJ Gordon and Stephanie D.
Day 13 (2 Minute Ab Challenge)
1st Exercise: Squats with dumbbell chest press
2nd Exercise: Knee Cross Crunch
3rd Exercise: Toe Touches
This is a two minute ab exercise, but why work the abs in the first place? Other than the look of six pack abs, working out your abdominals can help you get an improved posture and can even help with lower back pain as you will routinely start using your abs rather than over using your lower back for support. Working out your abs can even lead to better balance, stronger stability and improved sports performance. For more on this, this article by Harvard Health is quite insightful:
Day 12 (Plank Add-ons) - Take your plank up a notch, add these one minute plank variations at the end of your workout today and notice the difference! Planks are a great workout for your back, shoulders and of course abs (abdominals)!
Day 11 (Lunges with bicep curls) - Maximize your routine. Lunges with bicep curls is a powerful full-body exercise. Integrate it into your workout and reap the benefits.
Day 10 (Walking Lunges) - Walking lunges with dumbbells are a powerful whole-body workout. Lunges activate numerous lower body and upper body muscles, with emphasis on legs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, abdominals and forearms.
Day 9 - 45 second Romanian Deadlifts with dumbbell rows. This powerful whole-body exercise activates numerous lower body and upper body muscles, including but not limited to abdominals, shoulders, forearms, deltoids, triceps, hamstrings and glutes. Only 45 seconds (can be multiplied for 3 sets). This simple workout can be performed at-home or at the gym.
Day 8 (Romanian Deadlifts) - Romanian deadlifts are a great workout for glutes, abs, hamstrings, lower back and forearms.
Day 7 (35 Second Dumbbell squats)
Day 6 (Walkouts) 30 Second Workout. Walk-outs are a powerful whole-body workout that activates numerous lower body and upper body muscles, including but not limited to abdominals, deltoids, triceps and hamstrings.
Day 5 (Lunges) Lowerbody Workout - Great for Core, Abs, Boosting Metabolism and Losing Weight.
Day 4 (Farmer's walks) are great for multiple upper body muscles, especially shoulders and those neglected forearms! Bonus: you'll look great next time you're carrying bags.
Day 3 (Mountain Climbers)
Day 2 (Planks)
Day 1 (Wall sits)
For new viewers: 5 Second Body is a fitness program based on the psychology of mini habits. Five seconds compounded daily to add up to minutes and lead you to a powerful hour-long workout. The exercises build on difficulty and since they start off with minimal requirements, you get rid of brain resistance and demolish procrastination. Different muscle groups are focused on including abs, shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms, full body workouts and HIIT workout. All workouts can be done from home, which makes the program easy to follow for busy people and those who don't have access to a gym.

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