This Engineered Hardwood Floor had multiple layers of over the counter acrylic wax. It started to haze up, look scuffed up, and look dirty. It was throughout the entire home, which was around 1,700 sq ft. The owners wanted there original look back and all the wax gone. They called the Masters!👑 I came in and performed to the highest level of floor cleaning providing Top Quality Floor Care. We did what we do which is the very best each and every opportunity.🙏
Here's a process that has worked for me. All supplies used were Red pad, Doodlebug, 175, Wet dry vac Dissolver from Basic Coatings to stripp the wax and Squeaky from Basic Coatings to Neutralize it after all was done and BAM 👊 Easy Peasy lemon squeezy! The owner was very impressed he couldn't believe that all that wax came off.
Thanks for watching🙏