
Hug Me Mom I'm Hang Out Of Milk!So Hardly New Born Baby Titan Struggle To Hug Mom Scare Drop Down

Hug Me Mom I'm Hang Out Of Milk!So Hardly New Born Baby Titan Struggle To Hug Mom Scare Drop Down Hug Me Mom I'm Hang Out Of Milk!So Hardly New Born Baby Titan Struggle To Hug Mom Scare Drop Down

+Monkey In Mila Group: There Are:(Angkor Wat)
Vistary (Baby name Vitta)
Christin(Baby Name Christino)
Serika( )

+Monkeys In Amari Group: There Are:(Angkor Thom)
1.Dolly =Dead(Baby= DEDE = baby Delena)
2.Popeye= Dead (Baby=Sweet Pea,Polino)
4.Tima(Baby= Timo)
8.Maria(Baby =Karri =Dead ,Maddix, Mia)
9.Jack Amari's son
10.Merry dead(Baby=Drew,Yoey,Sherri,Maci)
11.Jill(Baby=Brutus JR, Jilla(Jellie))
12.Ashley Pig Tail Monkey
13.Santra (from Amber group to staying with amari group)

Total=23 Monkeys
+Time For Monkeys Wake Up
All monkeys usually wake up in the early morning around 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM, Depend on the weather if the weather has rain or gloominess, so all monkeys wake up longer than normal. All monkeys sleep on the tree, and they never sleep on the ground at night.

+Lunch Time
All Monkeys take a rest after lunch and go to stay on the tree by following their king. Mom monkeys feed milk to their baby on the tree when baby hungry or need milk. The adult monkeys take a nap and some playing on a tree after lunch. Around time 2:00 PM the leader or king monkey leads his members to climb down from the tree to find food on the ground. They like eating worm, grasshopper, natural fruits and grass .

+In The Evening
King monkey leads his group go to bed Usually around 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM if the weather is not raining. If the weather is raining, so monkeys go to sleep faster than normal.

Thank You So Much For Your Value Time For Watching My Video!

Monkey,Topic,Topic Monkey,Monkey cry,monkey give a birth,Monkeys,Wild Monkey,Funnest Monkey,Hug Me Mom I'm Hang Out Of Milk!So Hardly New Born Baby Titan Struggle To Hug Mom Scare Drop Down,Monkey Topic,Weak Monkey,Pity Monkey,Monkey sad,Baby monkey fall,monkey sad video,monkey cry video,

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