
Replaced my Iphone 6s Battery Myself. Battery cost $5.65 (new 1 yr old battery). Got lucky YMMV

Replaced my Iphone 6s Battery Myself.  Battery cost $5.65 (new 1 yr old battery).  Got lucky YMMV Disclaimer: Boring Video.
I'm an amateur when it comes to fixing phones and such.
In today's episode, I purchased an ebay iphone 6s battery for the low price of $5.65. What happened when I replaced the battery?

1) I actually replaced the battery. I'm prone to breaking my own phones.
Phone cost $65 off ebay.
Battery cost $5 off ebay.
Total cost for a phone that should now last me 3 yrs... $70!

2) The battery replacement was easy since the phone had already been opened. Taking out the old battery is a pain if you don't properly remove the tape/glue. Someone had done it already for me.
See the tutorial here:

3) After 10-15 min of taking of the screen, then taking out the battery and then putting in the new battery and rinse and repeat.

4)The new battery powered up.. and:
No longer said: "Needs Service"
Max Capacity was set at 100%

5) Not trusting apple's own software, I ran coconut battery app on my imac. Thankfully it said.. 0 recharge cycles.. and capacity was at 100%.
Note: this battery was manufactured on 1/1/2019.. and todays date is 3/4/2020... over a year old.. but actually NEW.

Moral of the story... YMMV= your mileage may vary. That's the honest truth.
I've bought and purchased many iphone batteries.. and it was always a mixed bag. If you're lucky.. you get a new battery. If you're unlucky.. you get a dud.. and then have to complain with ebay/amazon to get a replacement.

Good luck. I'm glad it worked out for me. Hopefully you don't have to go through the same thing. Isn't it just easier to buy a new phone for $1000... no wait $500... no wait ... $200!

Disclaimer: Boring Video. I made this video just for my own information. I don't even advertise my videos. YMMV. If anything, I try to make my video descriptions as descriptive as possible so you don't have to watch the video.

There is no need to subscribe. I'm glad if my video helped you out. If it didn't my apologies. I'm just an amateur video blogger.

Please feel free to check out my friends blog/youtube

Here are some of my own failed blogs:

iphone 6s,replaced battery,replaced battery for cheap,bought new battery off ebay for $5,it actually worked,it's cheap to replace your iphone 6s battery yourself.,

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