
This Is Crazy! They Are Now Calling To Infect Everyone To Stop The Great 2020 Stock Market Crash

This Is Crazy!  They Are Now Calling To Infect Everyone To Stop The Great 2020 Stock Market Crash This is America in 2020! The great 2020 stock market crash has driven money managers and the wealthy insane as they are now calling to infect everyone in a sense (to get it over with) according to their understanding. Apparently, they haven't been watching how this impacts countries once it arrives because it brings retail foot traffic to a halt after everyone begins to stay in their house. The entire concept that we should just allow this to move through is not one that I share. There is more to life than stocks and a stock market crash does not impact everyone equally. The money printing to save global stocks is also benefitting the wealthy disproportionately. As equities are continuing their relentless sell-off the yield on the 10Y has dropped below 1% for the first time ever reaching record lows across the entire curve. It shows that investors are already moving to safety we also see defensives have been bid since this began to spiral out of control. Another interesting phenomenon is the performance of grocery stores and food retailers going off the charts it shows this is already coming undone.

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