
Facts About The Human Body Everyone Should Know

Facts About The Human Body Everyone Should Know From getting enough sleep to keeping a warm core temperature. There are important ways you can make your body work better for you. Here are facts about the human body that everyone should know!

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here are weird health facts that everyone should know!
Don’t hit that snooze button! We all know that temptation but according to Reena Mehra, Director of sleep mist orders at Cleveland Clinic, all of that snoozing isn’t helping our bodes get the restorative sleep that we need. Hitting snooze can be counter productive and actually make you feel worse because you’re going into a new sleep cycle and this can be a difficult point to wake up from. Mehra recommends prioritizing 7-8 hours of sleep and as hard as it may be, get straight out of bed when your alarm goes off
If your bottle he organs were the X hen your liver would be wolverine. That’s because the liver can grow back its full size even if 75% of it has been removed. What’s awesome is that you can donate just a portion of your liver to someone who needs a transplant. The portion of liver the patient gets will grow to full size in their body and yours will grow back too.
Evolutionary Psychologist Trevor Case performed a study on a mother’s sensitivity so smelling baby do to. I guess science has run out of things to research. What he found, was that mothers reported, that the cookie from their own babies, smelled less past he to them, then the boo shoe of random babies. Which makes sense. If mothers are less mist gust said by their little germ factories they’ll be more likely to take better care of them.
The one thing that all women of every age, race and political persuasion can agree on is that “it is literally freezing in here”. It turns out there is a biological reason for the disparity between men and women when it come to comfortable room temperature. Females have a higher percentage of body sat then males and this helps to keep the vital organs in the core nice and toasty but it leaves the extremities out in the cold. When exposed the same freezing temperatures, the mud vessels in the fingers of women constrict more then those in the fingers in of men. So be a gentlemen, roll up your sleeves and turn the thermostat up a couple notches.
Your body actually smells worse when you’re nervous. There are two different kinds of sweat glands in the body. First you have the Eccrine glands. These produce the watery sweat that covers you from head to toe when you excercise. The second are the apocrine glands, which are usually only found in your armpit area. These are activated when you’re under psychological stress. This apocrine sweat produces a strong, sometimes even sulfurous odor when you’re anxious or scared. Dang body, you really throw me under the bus when the going gets tough
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Probably the most adorable form of teamwork is that if a pregnant woman’s heart tissue is damaged during pregnancy, her fetus will send stem cells to repair it. Good work little one!
This one is a bit past me, but if you need to past gas but you hold it in, eventually its going to come out of your mouth. According to Professor Clare Collins, a nutrition expert at the university of Newcastle, by holding in that trapped wind it can cause the gas to be reabsorbed into your blood stream and eventually exhaled in your breath. So next time you’re talking to someone and there breath smells bike fit, don’t judge maybe they’re being polite and holding in something far worse.
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Ever wonder why your feet smell? The highest concentration of sweat gland are found on the soles of your feet. With 250,000 Glands total, its no wonder people start sagging when you take your shoes off. That happens to you guys too right?
Scientific studies have found that you are more likely to pass germs through a handshake than a kiss. Unless you’re living a Rockstar lifestyle your hands touch way more things then your lips. It’s super counterintuitive but you’re less likely to share germs when hugging a sick person then you are if you shake their hand.

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