
Amazonia Rainforest is on Fire! Amazon Fire Can be Seen on Space. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!

Amazonia Rainforest is on Fire! Amazon Fire Can be Seen on Space. THIS IS NOT NORMAL! Our mother is burning.

At this very moment, Amazon, the Earth’s lungs is on fire and it has been burning for 3 weeks now. When Notre Dame was burning, the world's media covered every moment of it and billionaires rushed to restore it. Amazon? Which supplies more than 20% of our Earth’s oxygen? No media coverage. No billionaires.

Why do we People realise when it’s too late? Why does it always to be like that? Our planet is at breaking point. We’re supposed to be the stewards of the Earth. Our Mother Earth. 😭 #PrayForAmazonia


THIS IS JUST NOT A NORMAL FOREST FIRE SITUATION! The fires in the amazon are intentional!

TODAY, AUGUST 21 - Despite the Media's effort to NOT spread this news, the WORLD has still found out that the Forest has been burning for 16 DAYS now. This is a RED alert!

This is not Coincidence. This is what GREED looks like. Money in exchange for the Forest where 20%+ of the WORLD's Oxygen relies on.

Forest burnt to the ground, and everything that lives in it. My heart cries, because this is my home as much as it is theirs. 💔😢 This is OUR FOREST. This is the mother of all forests on our Earth! If They lose, All of us will lose. Put that in your head!

Let them know we are with them in this very difficult time. More than Prayers, we need your action!


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