Hello. This is just my humble opinion of what is best to wear with your hair down. Doilies are the best in my opinion besides Mantillas. However, Mantillas are generally worn for church/ mass only... but the other can be worn anytime or anywhere.
In the video, I explained I make these. Here is a fun and simple video on HOW TO MAKE these doily Head Coverings:
Also, I mentioned the Practice of Christian Head Covering and if you would like to know more about this and are new to the idea of it, Here is a video explaining in the original greek text the passage in 1 Corinthians 11:
For even more info on Head Covering, check out this complete Head Covering series by Tiffany Baker:
Christian Head Covering,Head Covering Tag,Christian,1 Corinthians 11,st. Paul,Bible,Biblical,Messianic,Jewish,Hijab,Veil,lace,mantilla,catholic,jesus christ,women,woman,victorian,feminine,