
Do Career Women Have More Respect for Money Than They Do for Men?

Do Career Women Have More Respect for Money Than They Do for Men? Straight Talk with Ted Santos is a live talk show. It addresses relationships from a man’s point of view. But ladies, you won’t want to miss it.

When you tell a career woman she can have it all, is it a lie? Are women with careers more valuable than women without great careers? While many women believe the problem is that men are intimidated by their careers, the problem may be much bigger. The funny thing is women do not display bad behavior with their bosses. Yet, they will do so with their spouses. At work, they accept boundaries. Do they respect the same with their significant others. Does that mean women have more respect for money than they do for men?

Join us Sunday, August 25, at 7:00pm-8:30pm (est) on Straight Talk with Ted Santos.

Call to comment or ask questions live at: (323) 642-1387.

To hear past shows:

Ted Santos,Straight Talk with Ted Santos,Relationship advice for men,Relationship advice for women,Love,Career,Sex,Money,MGTOW,Marriage,Family,SYSBM,INCEL,IBMOR,Dating advice,Date night,Millennials,Life coach,Black women,Career women,

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