The kids are joined by some college boys and girls. This time they are inspired by veteran actors Dharamendra Paaji and Ramesh Deo Dadaji. They follow their 'Sardar Patelbaazi' to the next level and ensure work gets done. Comedian Navin Prabhakar as Durlabh Sauche joins them for making of toilets in rural areas. Shaktimaan Mukesh Khanna drops in during the committee meeting to make them take and announce the decision 'abhi ke abhi'.
Let's Change Effect
Produced by: Apsara Media
Supported by: Dharmendra, Ramesh Deo, Mukesh Khanna
Directed by: Rohit Aarrya
Cinematography: Ashok Rao, Mahesh Rajan
Story Screenplay, Dialogue: Rohit Aarrya
Music & Lyrics: MayaRaag with Rohit Aarrya, Sai-Piyush, Akhil Mathur
Prasad Shikre
Ayush Sanjeev
Neel Patel, Ruchi, Vaishnavi, Prapti, Rohan, Parth, Sakshi, Vaibhav, Khyati
Riyaz Mulani, Rohan Aher,
Ganesh Divekar
Navin Prabhakar