
Bringing You Up In The Ways Of Love - Daily Prophetic Word

Bringing You Up In The Ways Of Love - Daily Prophetic Word As you let go of things of this world, let go of your ideas and natural thinking, let go of your goals and plans, surely I will inhabit that space if you allow me. While your heart wants to do the right thing, there is still adjustment needed. While you want to train yourself, you must allow me to do the adjusting for you do not have the correct perspective needed in order to make the proper adjustments. You do not have the vision to adjust and correct yourself. So allow me to come, assist you, and adjust your thinking. (1)

I will mentor you. I will train you. I will be that loving father to guide you, teach you, and bring you up in the ways of love. Just as I love my son, so also do I love you. And it is because of this great love I have for you I desire to bring you to a greater place of joy and fulfillment. Your current state is but temporary, though it seems you have occupied this space for so long. There is coming a day in which you will look back and realize it was a brief amount of time. (2)

As you open yourself up to me, sitting with me patiently and silently, I will begin to guide you to the new places you have not yet discovered. I will bring you to the green pastures, to the places you have never even heard of. I will surprise you and delight you, which will startle and scare you at first, but over time, as you grow in these things, you will learn to trust in me, my leadership, and my nature as you continue to discover how good I really am. (3)

You search for me as if I were a man. You conceptualize me as if I were a man. You doubt, disobey, and ignore me as if I were a man, but I am no man. So I say to you today, if you put your trust in me I will not disappoint you. If you make time to sit with me, I will not disappoint you. If you believe in me, follow me, and trust me with all you have, I will not disappoint nor betray you. (4)

As your heart fears my lordship, allow yourself to let go of this fear, for it will hold you back and stop you from becoming all you could be. This fear of my lordship in your life will hinder your walk, for all I have in store for you is good. I will not harm you, nor will I betray you. I will love, protect, heal, and provide for you as I continually give you every good thing, and even more than you could ask or imagine. (5)

(1) 2 Corinthians 10:5, Hebrews 4:12, Colossians 3:2, Romans 12:2
(2) Matthew 23:9, Psalm 103:13, 1 Corinthians 8:6
(3) Psalms 23:2, Psalm 37:4, Psalm 34:8, Psalm 119:68
(4) Deuteronomy 4:29, Matthew 13:44, Proverbs 2:4-5
(5) Psalm 34:4, Proverbs 29:25, Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 56:3-4

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