
Special: Australian Newspapers Black Out Front Pages In 'Secrecy' Protest

Special: Australian Newspapers Black Out Front Pages In 'Secrecy' Protest A protest is being carried out in Australia by newspapers. The publications across the country ran heavily redacted front pages on Monday in protest against government secrecy and a crackdown on press freedom. The protest is a rare show of unity in a fractious media landscape.

The protest was carried out by national and regional publications. The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, and the Australian Financial Review were among the ones that registered their protest with most of their front-page news stories blacked out on Monday.

#dailyaddaaVideos #NewspaperProtest #Australia

dailyaddaa,Australia,Journalists,Protest,Annika Smethurst,Scott Morrison,The Australian,The Sydney Morning Herald,Australian Financial Review,Newspapers Black Out,dailyaddaa Videos,Secrecy Protest,Press Freedom,India,Prime Minister,Sydney Morning Herald,ABC News,Journalism,Government Secrecy Law,Media,

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