
Core Beliefs - The Driving Force Behind Your Thoughts And Actions

Core Beliefs - The Driving Force Behind Your Thoughts And Actions Your CORE BELIEFS are a lot more than just what you think when something happens. Core beliefs affect who you are as a person, the identity you adopt in the world, and affect how successful you can become.

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A CORE BELIEF is something we consider to be a fact. It is anything that we assume to be true.
Our Core beliefs are the very essence of how we see ourselves, other people, the world, and the future.

Your core beliefs quite literally shape the way your life will turn out. If you believe that money and rich people are evil, you will put yourself in situations where you cannot possibly be rich.

If you believe that successful people fucked someone over or cheated to get what they have, you’re never going to be successful. You will literally do things to prevent yourself from becoming successful.

Thinking negatively about yourself, thinking people are attacking you, your day to day behaviors. These all stem from your beliefs.

If you want to change your behavior, your emotions, and your negative thinking, it starts with changing our core beliefs.

Core beliefs are usually formed in our early life. And a lot of things about our personality is formed before we even have a chance to understand that we’re being shaped.

They can be formed by our experiences, inferences and deductions, or by accepting what others tell us to be true.

If you experience something traumatic when you’re younger, that’s going to shape how you’re looked at in your life. And by something traumatic, I don’t mean watching someone die or going through some sexual abuse. Of course that is going to change you, but core beliefs can also be formed simply by something that now we wouldn’t think of as traumatic. Being laughed at when you mess up. Being insulted by a classmate. Being told that you’re unattractive by some random person at school. It doesn’t need to be a big event.

Our subjective perspective is what makes an event traumatic. Not how traumatic it is on a scale of all traumatic things that have happened. We just need to feel that we experienced something traumatic for that to be a fact.

When I was joking around in class in high school I heard a girl frustratedly say to the air “you’re so annoying”, and that really affected me. I don’t know who it was, she may be right, but she could also have been a loser who’s opinion i don’t need to worry about. I let that simple comment affect me for years, and that stifled me in social situations for a long time. Potentially to this day. Is it true what she said? Probably. Does it matter? No. But to our subconscious mind, it is information to keep in mind.

When we accept something to be fact and form a belief, it is stored in our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind does not know or care if the belief is true or false. It simply stores it as fact for later use. Our subconscious mind acts as our autopilot to make our life easier and to keep us safe. It serves to help automate our actions and responses to certain situations.

Find out how to identify your core beliefs, and take what isn't helpful, and replace it with what is in this video. Your Core beliefs will affect your entire life, so make sure to use the right ones.

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