
90% of Raising Your Vibrational Set Point is Complete when you do this ONE thing

90% of Raising Your Vibrational Set Point is Complete when you do this ONE thing Over 90% of Raising Your Vibrational Set Point is Complete when you do this ONE thing. If you'd like to finally LET GO of the past click below:

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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

This video I'm going to show you how 90% of raising your vibrational set point is complete when you do this one thing. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I hope people expand their consciousness.

In this video I'm going to be sharing with you exactly what to do to raise your vibration and how 90% of that process is complete with this one thing. Now I look at my own life. My life took a huge vibrational jump back in 2012 when I went through my spiritual awakening and what a spiritual awakening is.

It is is an awakening to going beyond the little box that we've been living in. To go beyond the ego construct to go beyond the sense of self, which prior to a spiritual awakening, we believe that that sense of self is a limited ego. Then what happens is you go through a process where you realize you are more than that.

You are an eternal spiritual being, having a temporary human experience and when you have that realization, it changes your whole entire life. Most of you watching this video right now are, is someone who has been through this process going through this process or very soon will go through it because you can only perceive that which you are the vibration up.

Now, prior to my spiritual awakening, you may have heard my story before about it, but I was working at Nordstrom's and women's shoes and I had what is called ADHD, which means it was hard for me to focus. So I'd go into work every day and what I would take at the time was something called Adderall, which is the prescription drug they give to people that have what is called ADHD. And I would take that during the day, I'd be able to sell a good amount of shoes and then it keeps me really focused.

And then at night I go home and it would crash. And what would happen is then, um, that was the negative side effects of that. So then what actually spawned me, learning this one thing where 90% of the process is complete, was it me looking further solutions, things that didn't have such hard side effects? And that's what then I came across the, uh, the research on meditation and it showed black and white that if you were to meditate, there's all these positive side effects and it can help you to focus on all these things.

So I tried it first two or three days, didn't really get a result. The third day I really committed to it. And it was this weird thing. I just had this feeling that it would change my life forever. I remembered sitting down to meditate. I started to observe my thoughts and I started to feel this expansion.

I started to feel different. And from that point going forward, and my whole entire life transformed. So the one thing where 90% of raising your vibrational set point is complete is meditation. And I'm going to be explaining to you the different types that you can apply in your life that can absolutely change your life.

Now, first off, why even change your vibrational set point? Well, when you do that, you feel better. You enjoy your life more. You are, uh, feeling higher vibration of emotions. Let me show this chart right here. I'll have Daniel put the chart right here. Daniel is the editor. Everyone say hi to Daniel and what you'll see is on this chart you will see that of the lower vibrational emotions of shame, fear, guilt, anger.

Then eventually you see neutrality. Then what happens is you see that of reasoning, which is the intellect, love, joy, peace and enlightenment. Now what happens is as you increase your vibration, as you move up the scale and you increase your vibration, you then feel higher vibrational emotions.

I was saying that my, my vibrational set point prior to learning meditation was probably at right around that two to 350 maybe I was smoking a lot of weed at the time because the weed helped me sleep at night because the side effect of Adderall, one of them is that you don't eat very much. You don't sleep very much.

Well guess what helps with eating and sleeping, needing to do that weed and that's why I would smoke weed. So that was like the side effect that that's what I felt like I had to do with weed resonates at 350 which is a acceptance...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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