
Codependents and Narcissists - 3 Things They Share

Codependents and Narcissists - 3 Things They Share #codependency #emotionalhealing #lifecoach #relationships
Narcissists and Codependents are like two sides of the same coin. This video explores 3 ways they are similar. What I hope is taken away at the end is - individuals who are not malignant narcissists but have narcissistic fleas - can change just like codependents can as long as they are willing and able to self reflect and do the inner work to heal the emotional wounds.
For those that would like assistance and could benefit from face to face coaching with me:

If you have symptoms of Complex PTSD and can benefit from affordable video coaching $60.00

Connect with me on facebook:

For those interested in an interactive self help journal, here is the link for the PDF entitled I Miss Me and I Want Me Back

Michele is someone that has truly been there; she now dedicates her time and energy toward helping others as a Trauma Recovery Coach and soon to be a Certified Kinesiolgy Practitioner to help others that are still on their road to recovery.

If you still struggle with Complex PTSD and would prefer affordable video coaching $60.00:

For those that are going to court against a narcissist, the PDF entitled When The Devils The Defendent has been a helpful tool for thousands-

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