
Very Low Energy - Inadequate Nutrition

Very Low Energy - Inadequate Nutrition Coaching - $50 per hour.  An LTBLP representative will analyze your situation over the phone or via videoconferencing.  Email to schedule.  We will help you Live The Best Life Possible!

In 2018, there were 10% fewer babies born to females aged 15 to 17 than in 2017, and 6% fewer to females 18 and 19.  This is bad news because the main activity that one needs to engage in in order to be happiest, other than breathing, getting enough food to eat, and living in a safe location, is sex and reproduction.  Men desire youth in a mate.  Men want the youngest females possible, who are sexually mature, if they are mentally mature enough to raise a family.

Business, that is, profit-seeking activity, of companies, has been influencing society to become maximally consumerist, and that means that what is profitable for the companies is emphasized, and anything else is not.  Your needs are only met if it means that they will profit from your needs being met.

The commercials, shows, movies, music, etc. do not promote what is health-promoting and long-term happiness-creating.  They do not teach you and educate you how to form healthy, committed sexual relationships, the potentially heavenly act of making love, the potentially ecstatic act of giving birth, and the joy that children continually produce. 

Their programming does not make you believe that doing what is good for you is good; they just program you to do what is good for them (making money), and your true needs are disrespected.

The media does not emphasize the building of a traditional family where the man works outside the home and the woman is at home caring for the children.

Instead, they want men and women to all work outside the home, and not have many children, so that each person in society can have the most disposable income available to purchase the goods and services advertised, many of which are unnecessary for happiness and may be damaging to the body, such as how eating animal products and oils damage the body and cause heart disease, which kills an astounding 650,000+ each year in the U.S.A. alone.

Our society has been "devolving" as time passes.

In the 1950's, life was great compared to now.  People were more respectful of each other, got married before having sex, the wife was at home, the house was modest in size, and people didn't go into debt in order to flaunt their "wealth."  Tattoos were not common, cannabis was unknown.  Abortion was illegal, and the birth control pill was not invented, so having sex produced many children.  Sadly, society had been convinced that cigarettes were good for them, and that bacon and eggs with toast with butter and a glass of milk was a good breakfast, and to have meat on the table was a sign of success, and how much meat you ate did not matter.

The Industrial Revolution has brought with it many problems.  But now, the internet has the potential to change lives faster than ever before, so that everyone can live a great life, if they choose to.  People just have to become aware of what is happening, why, and how to fix their situations.

LTBLP - Live The Best Life Possible!, is helping as many people as possible become as healthy and happy as possible.  To do that, LTBLP's main purpose is to get people to avoid all things which cause ill-health and harmful addiction, eat the healthiest diet, become physically fit, and develop a habit of reproduction, so that anyone can easily be maximally reproductive.  Anything in life that is good for you should be easy to obtain or engage in.  LTBLP is creating online communities where people discuss how to realize this for yourself.

LTBLP is also creating a gated residential community where everyone will be healthy and happy all the time.  In this community, a man can be a natural man, and a woman can be a natural woman.  Everyone eats the freshest whole plant foods, exercises every day, and is maximally reproductive.  The families consist of one man and multiple women. 

Each man legally marries one girl who is as young as possible, and begins to engage in reproduction with her, around age 14, or whenever the girl desires sex, when she is sexually mature.  When the man desires another wife, he divorces the first one, then marries another young girl.  He still has sex with the first one even though she is underage.  This is legally possible as of the date of this writing.

He continues to acquire as many wives as he desires, (but he can only be legally married to one at a time in the U.S.A.) and he produces as many babies as possible with the women for as long as possible.

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508 E. 4th St. #304
Los Angeles, CA 90013


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