
Collapsing the 2019 Timeline

Collapsing the 2019 Timeline Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE.

Learn more about me and my services here:

Release and receive.
Let go and let growth.

It seems like such a simple formula for allowing, but let's face it, we like to over-complicate things.
We say, "It can't POSSIBLY BE that easy!"

It can often feel like anything worth having is worth fighting, struggling and suffering for, yes?

That kind of conditioning and inherited belief of 'being worthy' of whatever we prize as a desired outcome in our life by having to somehow wage a battle for it is part of an outmoded paradigm and false timeline that has no business dragging itself into 2020.

Would you agree?

What else would you like to collapse and dissolve?

What other outdated beliefs, attitudes and behaviors can you finally kick to the curb, and upon doing so, declare confidently, "NO MORE"?

What would you like to collapse and release for YOU?
What would you like to dissolve and clear for the planetary timeline to allow for the highest good of all in 2020?

Wanna come and play as we dissolve some rigid belief and thought systems for you and for the entire collective on the planet and collapse them along with the Timeline of 2019?

This is a powerful process when we come together as a group and implode false timelines from our belief Matrix and download new possibilities from the Galactic Time Grid to help the entire human family awaken out of the slumber of self-limitation and self-negation.


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