
More Contact! (The Word Game)

More Contact! (The Word Game) Rounds 2 and 3 of Contact with my cousins. Video 2 of 3. I recommend watching with closed captions turned on. Continue reading for a breakdown of how to play.

Rules of play:
Requires at least three players.

One player thinks of a word, and tells the first letter of the word to the other players.

The other players have to figure out what the word is by first getting the word creator to reveal the second letter, then the third, and so on until the whole word is revealed, or until it's obvious enough what it might be that they can start guessing the word.

In order to get the word creator to reveal the second letter, the guessers have to think of their own words beginning with the same first letter, and ask the word creator a question to get the other guessers to guess their word while at the same time stumping the word creator. (example: "Is it a type of animal?")

If the word creator can think of a word that fits the question, he or she must answer, "no, it's not a [animal starting with the first letter of their word]." If the word creator can't think of a word quickly enough, and another guesser thinks they might know what word the first guesser is thinking, that guesser can shout "contact!" and on the count of three the two players shout out the word they're thinking. If they both shout the same word, the word creator then must reveal the next letter.

To get the word creator to reveal the third letter, the guessers do the same thing, this time coming up with words that begin with the same first two letters as the word creator's word. This continues with the first three letters, and so on, for as long as it takes to guess the word creator's word.

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