
Never Be Fooled by the 5 Lies Men Tell Women - Part 2 | Attract Great Guys, Jason Silver

Never Be Fooled by the 5 Lies Men Tell Women - Part 2 | Attract Great Guys, Jason Silver ►►[FREE Presentation] Learn What Men Secretly Say Behind Closed Doors:
A new U.K. study shows men are twice as likely as women to consider themselves good at lying and getting away with it.

In this study, 194 people were quizzed - with half of the participants being men and the other half women.

They were asked a series of questions including how good they were at deceiving others, how many lies they had told in the past 24 hours, and the type of lies they told.

The study found a major link between lying and gender. Men were twice as likely to consider themselves expert liars.

This is important because you need to know how to watch out for lying guys, so you don't put yourself in a situation to be manipulated or used in a relationship...and that's why in this video I'm going to cover 3 lies that men tell you can protect yourself."

The findings showed these people are usually smooth talkers who tell more lies than others and usually lie to family, friends, romantic partners and colleagues.

You’re going to learn the reasons behind why men tell these lies and what they wish they could say to you instead.

Now, enjoy the video and find out the lies men tell women.

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