
Never. Seen. Ever. Y Strap + Dinger.


Never. Seen. Ever.

Except by my 3rd eye... at 3:33am... after Kundalini yoga practice... when the pineal gland is ripe and juicy... and my Vishudda chakra is spinning... and the vision of a "specifidinger" is placed over top of a lightbox like an old school lecture transparency... projected onto the image of a table... that has HIP PINS.

And BOOM... who needs a vision board when you can just imagine and make it happen in real life.

Of course, there's nothing new under the sun my friends.

My other morning practice is gratitude. And there are 2 DC's who made this video possible. Dr. Johnson in Texas and Dr. Wolfson in P.A.


And these guys would proclaim, they didn't invent their moves either (respectively). I was shocked when Johnson told me he didn't invent the RD (though I think he did perfect it and blend it with the postural adjustments). And Dr. Wolfson has also done some serious training with another great master of the profession, Arno Burnier.


First let's address the lime green table cushions. I ORDERED THE BLACK ONES! And now I'm waiting for them to be delivered so I can vex over how I am to reupholster them on my own. It's just not my thing. I'm good with my hands, but not necessarily with tools, fabric, metal. I can hang drywall, mud the joints, wire an outlet, paint the wall... but it takes forever and EVER!

Point is... this table will be black... one day. And it will make me happy for reasons that require explanations past the character count capacity of this description box.

When I got this table and posted a pic on the YouTube community tab... Dr Johnson sent me an email asking if I was still going to buy his new table. And I wrote back "of course I am... But I have 2 treatment rooms and I didn't know when the RD table was finally going to be done. So I scooped up this IE (the brand he formerly used) on Ebay.

So, I'll still be getting the Ultra Slick, Finely Tuned, Highly Attractive, Newer, Upgraded, Evolved, VARIABLE HEIGHT.... Manual Neural Decompression Table that Doc Johnson invented....

But I have to pay homage to the old school Inertial Extensilizer. I've had a few cases of lumbar radiculopathy on it already... and it is effective. It's not apparent in the video bc you need the weight of a person to make it work. But when the table slides toward the head it bounces. And since the hips are pinned, it decompresses the spine... niiiiiiiiice and gentle like.

So I'm down

Also staring in this video is Kara (she has the beanie on) and will perhaps jump in a video one day. She is another fitness fiend and is both strong and flexible. And as you can tell she is not afraid to speak up. So I'm sure her fiery personality will light up the chiro YouTube algorithm.

Then there's Matthew. One of the most gifted massage therapists I've ever worked with. This man has talents that are not earned in the classroom and can only be received by karmic rebirth. He's also absolutely hilarious

And yes... you did hear the words "engagement video" come rolling off Alaina's witty little tongue. Fortunately, I don't take video ideas... OR PROPOSAL IDEAS... from anyone except for MYELF

*MYSELF... had to leave it there though. It's like a Freudian slip of the key. Maybe I do have an elf living in my brain telling me what to do. A machine elf. (R.I.P., T.M.)

Anyway. I thought about putting a proposal screen in the video right after that clip

But Alaina doesn't watch my videos.


Wait.... wait... She might watch this one though bc she's in it, so


I think we should say F**K I* to all the realities of our situation and run away to a foreign land... like Tibet... and live as Monks, eating berries and making anklets out of llama eye lashes... for the remainder of our lives...

HA. She definitely doesn't read my descriptions either...

OKAY... I'm dead.

But seriously... she said "ouch" after that amazing adjustment. Don't worry, it's one of her pre-programmed responses to life events that are new and different. I could have talked her through it a bit more and helped her relax. I totally failed as a boyfriend chiropractor in that moment.

HOWEVER... I did come through as a chiropractic YouTuber by getting you all footage of the new table ASAP!


This was a regular Friday night. Alaina and I were out at Hibachi. Matthew was giving Kara a massage at the office. And since the table came in that day I hijacked my date and met with Matthew who offered to help arrange the new office furniture

Bye Bye desk that was made from the hull of a 15th century viking battle ship


AND the new technique

I must admit... I am most likely the first chiropractor in the world to use a Y-Strap on the I.E. (on YouTube)

And, I am most likely... yadda yadda yadda... to Specifiding on the I.E. (on Youtube)

And, I will be traveling to Dr. J to complete my Jedi RD training asap

And, I'm out of chara

y strap,ring dinger,chiropractor,Pennsylvania,Maryland,Virginia,DC,New Jersey,New York,Cracks,Crunch,New,Medicine,Germany,UK,Chiropractic,

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