
Red flags, warning signs and huge problems when it comes to behavior and punishment

Red flags, warning signs and huge problems when it comes to behavior and punishment The Question Asked:
"'m needing some direction on what to do next. Ive been told by my son school that he has been placed on a behavior program. He hasnt beeen diagnosed with anything by doctors but they claim he gets into alot of trouble.

My problem comes from the fact that I feel my son has been "labeled." At this point if my son does anything it is blown out of proportion. He is only on the 4th grade and he has already been sent to their alternative school twice, countless times in ISS and today they suspended him for 1 day-keep in mind none of the kids that have initiated anythimg against him jave been administered the same punishmemts. My son has been so damaged, he gets so frustrated.

We moved last year so they sent him to a school down the street and the principal at his new school is extremely confrontational. Ive tried talking to him but we are never able to come to a solid conclusion. I don't want to make things worse for my son but he has a whole year and a half left at this school and I cant let him go through this anymore.

Im happy to PM more details about his situation past and present but im in need of some solid advice. Thanks."

BIP,IDEA,IEP,Special Education,special education law,special education attorney,special education lawyer,fba,advocacy,

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