
Terms of Address in Apatani

Terms of Address in Apatani Planning to visit Ziro? Yes, the whole valley is included in the Tentative List of UNESCO's World Heritage Site as the Apatani Cultural Landscape. A basic knowledge of Apatani language will come handy. Follow us for a lesson on Everyday Apatani.

In this, episode, we will learn some common terms of address in Apatani. One of the distinctive features of the Apatanis is the elaborate system of relationships they maintain among themselves and with the neighboring tribes like the Nyishis. The terms of address are dictated by such relationships. However, the terms of address in everyday conversation are much simpler. Learning these terms will greatly ease the movement around the Apatani villages and in building rapport with the people one meet.

Happy learning!

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Apatani,Ziro,Arunachal Pradesh,Language,

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