
TR3X Logo Reel of the 2010s

TR3X Logo Reel of the 2010s "TR3X Custom Logo Reel of the 2010s", made by TR3X PR0DÚCTÍ0NS from 27/12/2019 to 03/01/2020.
My final ever production that began work in the 2010s decade is finally here. This video mostly contains all the custom logos I created in the 2010s, the earliest from 2013 and the latest from 2019. The thumbnail was made by CCG88, and the distributors are New Metropolitan Television, Botany Bay Pictures Films Inc. (his last appearance under that name) and Filmtown Entertainment. This was a huge nightmare to render, so sorry if there are any errors during the video. No logos are missing, even if they are, they were not included in my complete Custom Logos list. The logos for internet users from 2017 were mainly not included.



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