Friends, Do you know that our eyes are most sensitive to yellow color in comparison to other colors. That is the reason, why we observe yellow color more quickly. This has also been proved in a research done in United states in 1930.
Many of you may think that the color of school buses should be red instead of yellow. Their logic behind this would be that the color of sign of danger is red, which is visible from a large distance.
But I would like to tell them that although it is true that the danger sign is red colored as the wavelength of red color is largest when compared to other colors. Because of it the red colored light does not scatter easily and is clearly visible from a large distance.
But you should know that yellow color has 1.24 times more attraction for us than any other color. Our eyes are most sensitive to yellow color. This is the reason that yellow color can be detected by our eyes more quickly than other colors.
So even if a person is not looking straight, while driving or walking on the road, he or she can easily notice the yellow colored school bus.
Our eyes have the highest sensitivity to yellow color, so not only can we easily see the yellow school bus coming from large distance but also, due to the yellow color, it is easily visible to us at night or during bad weather conditions such as rain or fog. Hence we are saved from an accident.
So friends, now you know why all school buses are painted in yellow color.