
Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions?

Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions? You think you’re an honest person because you don’t lie, you don’t cheat or steal, but here’s where you’re not honest. Do you tell yourself the truth? Do you tell others the truth? Do you want them to tell you the truth? Or do you just want everything to be nice and comfortable all the time?

In life, in business, in everything we do, we are pursuing answers. We want to know the truth, we want to grow, we want to learn more. But here’s the thing, you need to ask yourself better questions.

You need to face the harder questions, you need to face the pain if you really want to know the truth of who you are, where you are going, and what you can do.

Think big. Be bold. Say yes.

Check out the Something to Prove Podcast that I host with my friend Evan Carmichael, released every Friday.

Do you have a question for me?

Find me on Instagram. @mark.drager

I also have a day job. I'm the founder of PHANTA. If you want to check out what we do or see how we can help your business.

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