
How to Hold Your Commission Salon Staff Accountable

How to Hold Your Commission Salon Staff Accountable Do you want your staff to be more accountable?

So do I, and in this video we're going to show you how to do it, effortlessly!

I used to run a business with a lot of employees, that were actually all over the country. One of the issues we had was holding people accountable, we weren't invested in their day-to-day lives. As a salon owner you're probably seeing your staff on a regular basis. However, you might have things you want to hold them accountable to, maybe it's wardrobe, maybe it's making sure they're up-selling, cross-selling or pre-booking.

There's a couple things I want to share with you that are really valuable at holding people accountable, and it actually requires a lot of SELF EVALUATION. Now I know that sounds crazy like…

“Wow, let them self evaluate they'll give themselves perfect scores”

But not if you set it up correctly. There's a couple of ways to do it that allow you to be really clear about what your expectations are and make sure that they can self-assess and then self-correct.

When you have a persistent issue inside the salon, the chances are there's actually very little or no accountability in that area. It could be that you just need to set up the FIVE areas you want to hold them accountable and evaluate them in. Use this FIVE-STEP scale for them to self-assess, along with their manager.

If they were to rate themselves as a:

ONE = an immediate change is required
TWO = they occasionally make mistakes
THREE = they perform the job as requested
FOUR = they exceed at what is asked of them
FIVE = they create a new standard for their position

Now, why is this scale helpful? Because what you want them to do is to look at those five areas and self-evaluate. Some might say:

“well I do the job as required”

Then they're not eligible for a raise, which mean they are not eligible to grow in the company or to be considered as management. What you hope to hear is them respond saying:

“ well I do occasionally make mistakes”

They will start to see that they need to correct themselves in that area of their life! If they're being inventive and creative about what they can do in the future, that might be somebody you want to look into adding on your management team. It clearly means they're willing to go above and beyond, and help others do the same thing!

If you want to create more accountability inside your salon, figure out the five things for each employee to be accountable for and to be evaluated on. Use that five point tracking system and schedule a regular meeting. The meetings could be once a quarter, or if you do one-on-one meetings every other month, do it at that time.

Before meeting, take a second, let them evaluate themselves privately first, while you evaluate them separately. Then come together and discuss your results. Instead of reprimanding them or figuring out what you can do, they'll actually be able to self-correct and self-adjust. This will create a better meeting for both of you involved!

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