
How to Write a Novel in 15 steps - From Idea to Publication

How to Write a Novel in 15 steps - From Idea to Publication If you would like to write a novel, but you’re not sure where to start, then you’ve come to the right place.

This series of videos will help you go from initial story idea to publishing your completed manuscript.

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In this overview, I give you a quick rundown of the 15 steps of the Novel Writing Roadmap. Then in each of the following videos I explain each of these steps in detail.

These are the steps:
1. Write a Premise
2. Develop a Plot Outline
3. Complete Character Introductions
4. Write a Short Synopsis
5. Expand that into an extended Synopsis
6. Establish a Goal to Decision Cycle
7. Carry out detailed Character Development
8. Scene Blocking
9. Write your First Draft
10. Research your Locations
11. Subplots
12. Write Character Viewpoints
13. Redrafting and editing
14. Final Polishing and feedback
15. Get published

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And here is a brief explanation about what we do for each of the steps:

1. Write a Premise
Find out about the five major story elements and learn how to weave them into a single sentence that underlines your plot.

2. Develop a Plot Outline
Expand your premise into a solid plot outline, which includes setup, inciting incident, mid-point, climax and more.

3. Complete Character Introductions
Introduce the cast, and get to the heart of what makes them tick.

4. Write a Short Synopsis
Write a single page outline of the core of your story.

5. Expand that into an extended Synopsis
Expand your short synopsis into an extended synopsis, adding in detail about character development and subplots.

6. Establish a Goal to Decision Cycle
Use this technique to ensure your story flows from scene to scene in a natural feeling way.

7. Carry out detailed Character Development
Look into each of your major characters in more detail to give them nuance, flaws and realism.

8. Scene Blocking
Write a rough outline of each of the scenes, showing the main things that happens in each of them.

9. Write your First Draft
Using all the background work and research you've already done, write your first draft.

10. Research your Locations
Look into each of your locations, including how they affect atmosphere and how they interact with our senses.

11. Subplots
Develop your stories subplots, including the objectives of supporting characters.

12. Write Character Viewpoints
Follow the story from the point of view of each of your major characters.

13. Redrafting and editing
Go through your novel on a structural, scene, style and line edit level.

14. Final Polishing and feedback
Get some distance and get feedback to give your novel that final gleam.

15. Get published
Explore the best method of publishing for you, and the pros and cons of each as well as guidance for progressing to publication.

Read the text article associated with this video here:

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