
Starting to give up on your New Year's resolutions goals? Wait... watch this video I made for you!

Starting to give up on your New Year's resolutions goals? Wait... watch this video I made for you! In this video, I talk about how we tend to overwhelm ourselves with one too many goals or too vague ones.

What do I mean by too vague goal? Great question, I am glad you asked! ;)
The most commons New Years Resolutions are:
** quit smoking;
** eat healthier;
** lose weight;
** exercise more, etc etc

While these are all very valid points, they are not specific. Hence, they are a bit vague. See below some better examples:
** I want to smoke only X number of cigarettes per day/week and reduce them gradually;
** I want to eat more fruit and vegetables, less saturated fats and drink 8 glasses of water per day;
** I want to lose 3/5/15 KG/Pounds/Stones by the end of [insert the month by when you want this goal achieved by];
** I want to walk 30 minutes every couple of days/cycle to work or dance 5 minutes to my favourite tune every morning.
The difference between these goals and the previous ones is that for our mind they look more realistic. Also, another important factor is that they have a time set. Either a date by or a weekly/daily task.

Another thing that makes us give up on our goals is that we are impatient and we want the change too fast. Our human minds resist changing heavily. We are wired to stay in what is familiar. A bad habit is familiar, hence the mind self-sabotages our efforts if we try to shock it with a drastic change.
It is much better to change little by little. Baby steps will take you far, I promise!

And be always kind to yourself. Most likely you're going to have a day (or more) that is bad, and you won't follow through your goals. Don't give up! Just forgive yourself, you're only human after all and resume as soon as possible.

Change is possible but easier if you follow these steps:
1) Make goals specific & with a deadline.
2) Take baby steps on bad days, a tiny step towards the direction of your goals is much bigger than you think in the long run!
3) ABK: Always be kind to yourself. Be your own best friend! If you fail at following through your goals, be kind to yourself and keep going on!

Janine :)

If you're wanting to have a faster change in your mindset, send me a brief email to
My name is Janine Cera. I am an Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist (ARTT), Clinical Hypnotherapist & Award Winner Speaker
You can check my type of work at

rtt,rapid transformational therapy,goal setting,new year resolutions,motivation,keep going,fitness 2020,fitness goals,

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