Strange things often show up when you least expect it, and you never quite know when you’ll be reaching for your camera to capture evidence that what you think you’ve seen is actually real. The following videos were all recorded by people who just so happened to be looking up when something unbelievable happened… so here are 15 mysterious giant creatures caught in the sky!
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Caught on Camera,Creatures,Mysterious,Caught,Mystery,Creatures Caught on Tape,Caught on Tape,Giant,Mysterious Creatures,Animals,Camera,Mysterios Crearures,Bizarre,Mysteries,Unexplained,Monster,Sky,Unexplained Mysteries,Monsters,Unknown Creatures,Unidentified Objects,Beast,Mysterious Giant,Alien,Real or Fake Videos,Mysterious Things,Mysterious Events,Caught on Video,Paranormal,Giant Creatures,Caught in the Sky,Mysterious Giant Creatures,