
Art con? Maybe, be sure to check the description and fine out! #frostingartcon

Art con? Maybe, be sure to check the description and fine out! #frostingartcon Ok, so by the title you probably know that there is gonna be an art con
Here is what you need to know!
Name? Yes, name it #frostingartcon
What to draw? If you join the artcon you have to draw something from wildcraft
How long do we get to work on this? You have about till 3/15/2020 (march 15th 2020)
first place will get...a shout out and fanart!
Second place will get.....a shout out!
I hope that people will join
If 1 person joins and no one else joins then the art con will be deleted
1. Be nice
2. Don't comment mean things to other videos
3. Have fun!
Also the animal in the video is from wildcraft, it is my new oc (it has the wildclub skin and I don't have it, but ya)


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