
Ghislaine Maxwell Groomed Child Victims for Epstein Rape

Ghislaine Maxwell Groomed Child Victims for Epstein Rape RT America source file here, (thank you!):

Mike Papantonio and RT Correspondent Michele Greenstein investigate British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell’s involvement in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring. Their relationship turned the two from romantic to business partners, as Maxwell was found to be complicit if not ENCOURAGING of Epstein’s slew of sexual assaults and solicitation of child prostitutes.

Then, Trial Magazines Editor Farron Cousins walks us through allegations that Epstein had actually sexually abused victims DURING his Florida jail sentence. His “sweetheart deal” brokered by U.S. labor secretary Alex Acosta had granted Epstein generous work leave from county prison, allowing him up to 12 hours a day unmonitored.

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RT America source file here, (thank you!):

Legal journalist Mollye Barrows of Trial Lawyer Magazine joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss the latest from the saga of the recently deceased pedophile and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, including the lawsuit against self-proclaimed “best friend,” British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell.

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Ghislaine Child Victims Groomed for Rape,

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