
money is not given perfect life, but its essential for living

money is not given perfect life, but its essential for living Hi! I’m professor. On my channel, you will find all about social fake news, trick, knowledge, misinterpretation, research, funny videos, school,collage and university real life of students. I love to share exact and accurate knowledge because I am a professor of teacher and sharing my experiences with you. Subscribe to see more human, religion diversity, country conflict universal life, and idiots people on your feed!
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Their channel description only takes up one paragraph, but readers immediately know what kind of videos will be on their channel. From there, they list everywhere else they want future subscribers to find them.
Now check out the channel description for world of professors
Nikki’s description is loaded with personality and tells subscribers when to expect new videos. Her description does a wonderful job of getting to the point but is still loaded with information.
Both channel descriptions are different, yet still have the same effect. There are several different ways to write cool YouTube channel descriptions without giving too much info. To get you started writing your perfect channel description, check out our YouTube channel description template below:
When writing descriptions for your YouTube videos, there are several things we need to keep in mind. First, it is important to do keyword research so we know what our ideal audience is searching for. Placing keywords in our video description is important for getting found in search and can also help with choosing the best video tags.
Second, we have 5000 characters to work with- make the most of them! It may take several different attempts at writing video descriptions to find what works best for we and our channel, so don’t be afraid to mix it up!
Here is what we need to do to write the perfect YouTube video description:
For starters, the first three lines of our video description are what viewers will see before the “see more” break. we want to captivate their attention in these three lines so they will click the link to see more. The first line of our video description is also what appears under your video in search results, so we want to get straight to the point if we want people to click on it.
Not to mention, these lines are where our keyword research will come into play. Since the first line is what appears in search results, we ’ll want to place long-tail keywords and other search terms users are searching for here. Be careful not to stuff it with keywords. Still keep it conversational, but make sure it is phrased in a way people would search.
Much like the last tip, we want to be clear so people know to click on our video in search and click on the “see more” link. we also want to be clear so people aren’t confused by anything. After the first three lines, if we feel the need to go into more detail about the video topic, do so! It’s ok to have a long video description as long as it provides relevant and important information and is easy to read. Consider using short paragraphs, bullet points, or characters like asteriks to break up text.
If I have several different points in the video where I have important advice or information, link to each one in the description. While having viewers who watch the whole video is a good thing, not everyone who wants to hear what you have to say will have the time to watch the entire thing, especially if our video is over 10 minutes. Some people are looking things up with a limited amount of time to learn it, so help them out with timestamps. our helpfulness might just be what makes them subscribe and look to our channel for more information in the future..
Whatever we mention in our video, whether it be another YouTuber, an article, a tool, or even a product, link to it! We never know when that will help a viewer out. This is especially important if you are trying to monetize our YouTube channel through affiliate links or selling digital products in our own online store. In the example below YouTuber world of professors links to his own product that he’s talking about in the video.

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