
हर परिस्थिति से लड़कर किया UPSC का सपना पूरा | Never Give Up | IRS Nilesh Kesari | Josh Talks Hindi

हर परिस्थिति से लड़कर किया UPSC का सपना पूरा | Never Give Up | IRS Nilesh Kesari | Josh Talks Hindi निलेश केसरी का परिवार जब बिहार से नोएडा आया तब उन्हें कई आर्थिक समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा. उनके परिवार के पास रहने के लिए घर भी नहीं था. जिस कारण उन्हें Slum Area में रहना पड़ा. वहां निलेश के पिता ने अपनी खुद की एक दुकान शुरु की जिसे अक्सर निलेश संभाला करते थे. पर एक दिन निलेश एक बिमारी से ग्रसित हो गए. जिस वजह से उनकी आंखों की रोशनी चली गई.
इसके बाद निलेश की ज़िंदगी मानो थम-सी गई. उनकी पढ़ाई बीच में ही रूक गई. पर उन्होनें हिम्मत नहीं हारी. निलेश ने फिर से पढ़ाई करना शुरु किया. उन्होनें कॉलेज में एडमिशन लिया और अपनी Graduation पूरी की. अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद निलेश ने UPSC की तैयारी करना शुरु किया. इस दौरान निलेश कई बार फेल हुए पर वह आगे बढ़ते रहे. आज निलेश IRS Officer Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax के तौर पर कार्यरत हैं.
इस जोश Talk में देखिये कैसे निलेश ने हर परिस्थिति से लड़कर अपने मुकाम को हासिल किया.

As it is rightly quoted, ‘Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all’. The story of Nilesh is one such story of hope and success.
Nilesh migrated to Delhi from Bihar with this parents. Due to poor financial conditions Nilesh’s family have to live in slum area. There Nilesh's father started a shop of his own, which Nilesh often handled. Nilesh was happy in his own world. But one day he was diagnosed with a serious disease due to which he lost his eyesight.

After this incident, Nilesh had to leave his studies in the middle. But he did not lose courage. Nilesh started studying again. He took admission in college and completed his Graduation. After that, he decided to prepare for Civil service exam.

Even after, failing in many attempts, he didn’t lose his hope and cleared the exam. Today, Nilesh is working as an IRS Officer Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax.
Watch the inspirational journey of Nilesh Kesari how he cracked Civil Service Exam and changed his failures into success story. He assures, if you have dedication, time management and determination, you can crack any exam.

If you are trying to find answers to questions such as how to become successful, how one can prepare for UPSC and how you can believe in yourself to achieve dreams.
Find all your answers in this Inspirational Josh Talks.

Also, Students appearing for UPSC 2020 or any other government exam should watch this Josh Talk.

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#UPSCMotivation #NeverGiveUp #JoshTalksHindi

UPSC,Never give up,Success story,Indian Revenue System,Income Tax Officer,IRS Officer,Civil Service Exam,Motivational Video,Civil Service,Civil service motivation,Josh Talks,Josh Talks Hindi,Josh Talk,Success,Believe in Yourself,Successful UPSC Officer,UPSC 2019,Government job,Government job 2019,UPSC Inspiration,UPSC Topper Strategy,motivational video,Courage,Hope,upsc preparation,motivation to study,Success motivation,government officer,

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