
The Most Powerful Reality Transurfing Meditation for Decreasing Importance

The Most Powerful Reality Transurfing Meditation for Decreasing Importance This Is The Most POWERFUL Reality Transurfing Mediation for Decreasing Importance. For best results use headphones and listen to this meditation for the next 21 days. Make yourself comfortable and prepare to TRANSFORM.

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For best results....use headphones. Make yourself comfortable either by sitting down or laying down on your back. Begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose and let it out through your mouth. Take another deep breath and as you exhale fully relax. Let go any tension.

Breathe in again and feel them way of relaxation. Flow through your body. And as you breathe out, let go of any tension. Imagine your body becoming more relaxed with every breath. If there is any tension in your body, notice where you feel it and focus on that area. Loosening up and feeling relax.

Focus your awareness on your head. Notice the sensation in your face. Loosen up any tension in your face and feel it. Relax. Feel behind the eyes. Release any tension. Relax your forehead, your jaw. Relax your tongue. Now bring the awareness to your shoulders. Feel them relax, release any tension.

Feel your arms, your hands, torso. Now with the awareness on your left leg and foot. Relax your toe, your right leg in front. Relax your toe. Now imagine a ball of energy in your heart center. It can be any color you like.

Feel from this space and notice the temperature sensation that is beginning to row. Imagine this ball, the vendor's spinning faster, faster. As it spin, you are feeling more and more relax, more and more accountable.

Now let's set an intention so that we're able to connect to the highest and most passionate version of ourselves. [inaudible] right now, send that intention. Know you will be connecting to the best possible version of the you.

Now understand there is the alternatives space. This is a combination of everything that has been everything that will be and in this alternative space exists the best possible version. Now, one matching best possible. First note of your having intention.

You will connect to this version of you and you will begin to link yourself up to the perspectives of you. Now imagine the best possible version of yourself doing what you Imagine yourself walking around your dream house. Imagine what this house looks like. I imagine it as if you're seeing through your own eyes,

Put the awareness on the kind of relationships that you have. How do people respond to you? how do you carry yourself? What is your body language like? Now, as you imagine your sound is in this new version of you, what's your awareness on the things that you have achieved?

Notice how natural it feels for you. I imagined the goals that you've achieved. Maybe it's you, what she being some type of milestone within your passion. Maybe it's you doing what you love for living and helping other people. Whatever it is. Imagine those things and imagine how unnatural it feels.

Notice how comfortable it is for you to walk around your dream house
Yes, this is true. Now imagine in your dream house what the furniture looks like, match and the layout of the house, how spacious it feels, how open the floor plan is. Any other details that make up in your dream.

Now understand that this reality exists in the alternative space and that white you can do right now is connect to this room and have you connect to this life track. Understand that going forward you will be making intentions and choices from this track.

Now in your dream house, walk over to your wall in your living room and notice the different plaques on the wall, the different achievements that you've made, and notice how comfortable it feels for you to acknowledge these things that you have achieved.

Look to the first plaque on the wall. What does it say?
What have you achieved? Feel grateful that you have achieved this and notice how natural, because this is who you are. now look at the second plaque on the wall of way you have achieved. What does this plaque say.....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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