
Cold Womb Descent - Comprehension Before Judgment

Cold Womb Descent - Comprehension Before Judgment I have to admit that this concept is very challenging to be represented visually. Especially in few hours. Therefore the video has little to none connection to the actual inspiration. Who cares!

To comprehend means to be aware of the foundations of how things work and have a sense of clarity when it comes to answering questions about it. Comprehension is important when we address sensitive issues, be it of technical or human nature.

Planes would not fly and ships would not float if we didn't comprehend the forces that make them fly or float. A mere wish for things to behave the way we want them to is not going to make them so. We tend to address cultural and psychological issues without much comprehension of how human brain and psyche work. It is only in the last couple of decades that we started to ask questions about who we are and find more universal clues.

The way we judge things is often backed with nothing but instinct. There may be an underlying sense of comprehension which should be questioned. It often happens that new information we learn adds a piece that totally twists our current paradigms. It is important to remember to be open for such information, that result in revaluation. The more we evaluate things, the closer to the truth we get and the more accurate our judgment is.


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