
How to make money from Content Writing? | Earn Money Through Content Writing 2020 | BrandBurp

How to make money from Content Writing? | Earn Money Through Content Writing 2020 | BrandBurp Like || Share || Spread || Love

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Most writers never get rich.

You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that.
But is it possible to make a nice little side hustle income?
The answer is Yes!
Being paid to write on the internet has become a source of income for many professional writers. This is a web job much more complicated than we think.
Hi, I am Meenakshi working in BrandBurp, and today, I am going to share some tips and tricks to make money from content writing. So, let’s get started!

• Blogs
Start with WordPress or blogger.
Come up with your own niche and think about what can attract the audience. Gradually, if you provide useful content, traffic will begin to come. The day traffic reaches a certain level, monetize your blog.
Wordpress can be costly, I’ve tried. But lemme tell you a thing about a blog since I did it for good 14–16 months, it requires dedication and you just can’t take a break and leave it like that. It is super hard to gain traffic and super easy to lose.

There's nothing better than writing answers on quora -Simple as that. Write good answers there, and that's it. Your job is done. There are clients all the time who are looking out for writers for their businesses or websites.
They'll contact you, and you'll land yourself in a project. The best part is - “There’s no mediator; hence, you don’t have to pay anything to them (like in case of websites)”


Many websites offer freelance content writing opportunities, including Upwork, Freelancer, Elance, Fiverr, etc. There are a lot of sites for the same; thus, I think this is one of the best ways to earn money.

• Find a Profitable Niche or Writing Service
Okay, here’s the honest truth:
Not every niche is a high-paying niche, and not every writing service you offer is high-paying. But, there are a lot of niches out there that pay well and help you with how to make money writing. Finding that high-paying niche takes time. You need to think about what products are out there based on a niche topic.

• Figure Out Your Ideal Client
Now, this goes hand in hand with your profitable niche. Your client can determine whether your niche will be high-paying. It’s up to you to understand your ideal client. Do you want to work with:
 Start-ups
 Tech companies
 Authors
 B2B companies
 Doctors
 Actors
 Small businesses
 Online businesses
 Brands
 Magazines
 Non-profits
 Lawyers
 etc…

• Grow Your Social Media Presence

It is quite powerful to be on social media. The more “you” are online, the more opportunities your future clients will see you. Therefore, make a robust social media presence on every platform, be it LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, and more.
So, that’s all from my side. If you have any doubts related to this, then mention in the comment section below and stay tuned to watch out more videos like this.

Topic Cover in This Video-

- How to make money online
- How to make from content Writing
- Online Earning Websites
- Earn money Through Article Writing

#EarnMoneyOnline #OnlineEarningTrick #ContentWritingTips

Make Money Online,Earning Money trick,Content Marketing Tips,How to make money online,How to make from Content Writing,make money writing articles,how to make money writing from home,write articles and earn money in India,Digital Pratik,Sorav Jain,Digital Marketing Tips,Social Media Tips,Content Writing Tips,Digital Marketing Tricks 2020,

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