
Curious about a new place? Explore many of them via OpenStreetMaps API - Vojtěch Filipec

Curious about a new place? Explore many of them via OpenStreetMaps API - Vojtěch Filipec Knowledge of the neighborhoods may identify deficient services to a marketing company, it also enables you to address your spouse’s inquiry about points of interest on a day-trip. To acquire such knowledge, you need a rich source of data with decent API. OpenStreetMaps offer both. This talk explains how to access the data points in OSM and how to query their labels and content using two Python libraries (overpass and overpy) as well as the underlying OSM query language.

PyData is an educational program of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. PyData provides a forum for the international community of users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. The global PyData network promotes discussion of best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. PyData communities approach data science using many languages, including (but not limited to) Python, Julia, and R.

PyData conferences aim to be accessible and community-driven, with novice to advanced level presentations. PyData tutorials and talks bring attendees the latest project features along with cutting-edge use cases.

Python,Tutorial,Education,NumFOCUS,PyData,Opensource,learn,software,OpenStreetMaps,Data Science,

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